Nissan Might be Trying to Ditch the Brake Pedal in the Next Gen Leaf

The 2nd-generation Leaf is due out later this year and, according to reports, it may be trying to kill off the brake pedal. Steph Willems from says Nissan promises a brake pedal designed to gather dust. The brand’s new e-Pedal, found in the 2018 Leaf, allows — with the push of a button — the ability to speed up, slow down, and hold a stop via the pedal on the right.
The car will come to a complete stop when you lift your foot off the e-Pedal, which Nissan says will be a more "exciting and engaging way to drive." The only exciting about it will be watching traffic swerve around the Leaf driver who tried to coast but instead came to a screeching halt.

"Drivers can cover 90% of their driving needs with the e-Pedal, making the process of driving more exciting. In heavy traffic and during city commutes, drivers will greatly reduce the need to shift from one pedal to the other, making your drive simpler and more engaging."
I'd argue that one pedal isn't simpler. Hell, some people still can't tell the difference between the pedals we have now.
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